Office of the Registrar

Student Tracking Advising Retention System (STARS)

STARS is a web application that interacts with a collection of Wayne State University (WSU) databases. It is designed to enable convenient access to university data at both an individual and aggregate level for advising, retention efforts, curriculum tracking, and program evaluation.  The STARS Faculty module includes instructors' teaching history, class lists, course and class grade distributions and averages, as well as Student Evaluation of teaching when available.  

Early Academic Assessment

Early Academic Assessment (EAA) is one of the tools used by the University to assist our undergraduate students' academic success and therefore to help the University retain its students. Effective Winter 2016, the University policy on EAA requires that courses numbered below 4000 include a means of assessing student progress, normally by the beginning of the third week but no later than the end of the sixth week of each Fall and Winter semester. This assessment should provide students with feedback regarding their academic performance and can provide a meaningful opportunity for intervention. Students who are performing at a C- or below in courses below 4000 must receive EAA grades.  Faculty teaching courses numbered 4000 or above are encouraged to give EAA grades, but it is optional. In both cases, students would receive a letter by e-mail.

EAA grades do not become part of a student's academic record; their purpose is to give students a sense of how they are doing and encourage them to address any academic issues that are affecting their success.  They may also be used for advising and counseling.

Course Participation Confirmation

WSU recognizes that early engagement for students is key to their success in coursework, satisfactory academic progress, and graduating.  In addition, WSU also is obligated to follow governmental rules and regulations regarding federal financial aid, which includes documenting course participation.  Instructors are required to confirm student academic participation in all courses via the WSU Course Participation Verification system.  Instructors must confirm attendance (or another form of participation) for each student once during the confirmation period. Students will be informed throughout the period whether or not their participation has been confirmed.


Students are allowed to add classes for the first two weeks of the semester, and drop classes during the first four weeks of the semester.  Beginning the fifth week of classes, students are no longer allowed to drop but must withdraw from classes.  The Academic Calendar provides specific information on when Add/Drop and withdrawal periods end for each semester.

As an instructor, you will approve withdrawals  from your class.  This is done through Academica, and instructions are provided by Records and Registration.


Release of student records are regulated under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Faculty and staff with access to student records are required to abide by University policy and federal law regarding privacy of student records.  If you have any questions regarding privacy of student records, including whether you can or should disclose information, contact the University Registrar immediately.